
Political And Other Miscellany From A Stout Democrat In Dallas Texas.
"Politics is the only game for adults." --from Robert A. Heinlein's Double Star

Tuesday, September 21, 2004


This week TEXAS TUESDAYS covers two Democratic candidates. Morris Meyer is running against Republican Joe Barton, who certainly acts as though he never met a smokestack he doesn't like. Even more fun to read about, though in a hopelessly uphill filed write-in campaign, is UT Austin math prof Lorenzo Sadun. His opponent in a new Perrymandered district is Republican Michael McCaul, whose father-in-law is Lowry Mays, CEO Clear Channel Communications, whose PAC and top execs have given over $30,000 to his campaign. No doubt you remember them stirring up "patriotic" hatred against anyone questioning Gulf Preemption II. McCaul will beat the write-in effort, barring the old cliche of a dead woman or a live boy (though one Republican incumbent in another state got burned on that one earlier this year), but he needs to be opposed to keep our consciences clear. Who wants to have to say someday "When they came for the Dixie Chicks, I did nothing...." Go read about both campaigns at THE USUAL PLACE.


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