THE MEETING TO ELECT THE NEXT DALLAS COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY CHAIR: has now been scheduled by David Wilkins, the DCDP Secretary. It will be:
Monday, May 9, 2005
6:30 PM
CWA Hall
1408 N. Washington
Dallas TX
Until that meeting elects a new County Chair to fill the rest of the vacated term, Theresa Daniel is serving as the interim County Chair. She has changed the party office hours from the old 10 to 5 to the new 9 to 6. [Actually the old official hours were sort of meaningless, since it's been shut down for several weeks.] I should be there every day during the interim keeping the office open; Theresa is there when she's not teaching (which she does on Tuesdays, Thursdays and part of Wednesdays.)
Monday, May 9, 2005
6:30 PM
CWA Hall
1408 N. Washington
Dallas TX
Until that meeting elects a new County Chair to fill the rest of the vacated term, Theresa Daniel is serving as the interim County Chair. She has changed the party office hours from the old 10 to 5 to the new 9 to 6. [Actually the old official hours were sort of meaningless, since it's been shut down for several weeks.] I should be there every day during the interim keeping the office open; Theresa is there when she's not teaching (which she does on Tuesdays, Thursdays and part of Wednesdays.)
At 6:24 PM,
Kenneth said…
I'm glad to hear that things are looking up at the party headquarters. I wish that Theresa Daniel would put her name forward as the permanent chair. We could really use her talent in leading the party.
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