
Political And Other Miscellany From A Stout Democrat In Dallas Texas.
"Politics is the only game for adults." --from Robert A. Heinlein's Double Star

Thursday, May 12, 2005

MISC. BLOGGING NEWS: I should have pointed this out earlier, but north Texas blogger and super Dean supporter Annatopia has revised her site, which is now more accessible and renamed Out Loud.

Meanwhile, Avedon Carol of The Sideshow, who from her perch in England has been noticing Dallas events through this humble *cough* blog, has also been helping fill in at Eschaton lately. Frankly, for day to day links we look to her site ahead of his or his main competition for massive daily visitations, Daily Kos. Both of them remain among the "most used as sources" on my sidebar, but that count was made long ago. Both of them have changed to mostly hitching posts for interminable chains of comments, often in "open threads" with no story at all. Ms. Carol still gives the good links and just gets out of the way. Brava to her.


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