Chris Bell Hits A Triple
Molly Ivins has also endorsed the Democrat for Governor in her column: "Ring The Bell For A Texas Democrat", concluding "Let's make it a vote for Annie."
Digging Their Own Hole Deeper....
Polls across the country show support for Republicans in Congress imploding. The latest scandal over covering up for one of their own's improper conduct with underage pages shows how little they really care for family values, except as a campaign slogan, and the voters are getting the message. Former DCDP County Chair Ken Molberg posted a biting column on this at "Perverts, Predators, Prevaricators, And 'Publicans".
Last week they also showed how little they cared for our own Constitution, voting in both houses of Congress to toss out even the 800-year old right of habeas corpus. That's the part of the Magna Carta that lets us talk to a lawyer and force the government to convince a judge they have evidence of a crime, instead of just locking anyone up at their whim. Bush's revised version is somewhat looser. Olbermann asks the President accusing us
of treason "Why has the ferocity of your venom against the Democrats, now exceeded the ferocity of your venom against the terrorists?" Watch it all here.
The only way to stop this out-of-control gang is to replace the Republican majorities with Democrats. This year, remember who stands up for our rights. Our candidate for U.S. Senator is Barbara Ann Radnofsky. The two U.S. House districts all inside Dallas County are Dist. 30, where we are represented by incumbent Democratic Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, and Dist. 32, where our candidate is Will Pryor. In the districts only partly in Dallas County, our candidates are, for Dist. 3: Dan Dodd, for Dist. 5: Charlie Thompson, for Dist. 24: Gary R. Page, and for Dist. 26: Tim Barnwell. In other districts touching the county line (or just outside it), our candidates are, for Dist. 4: Glenn Melançon, for Dist. 6: David T. Harris, for Dist. 12: John R. Morris, and our other local incumbent Congressman in Dist. 17: Chet Edwards.
(And thanks for that great picture and slogan to If I Ran the Zoo.)
In Memory: Millie Seltzer
On Friday Millie Seltzer passed away at age 83, following a heart attack last week. She had been Democratic Precinct Chair of 1119 (in northwest Dallas) for decades. According to the Oral History Collection at the Sixth Floor Museum, "On November 22, 1963, Mrs. Seltzer took her six children to Love Field to see President Kennedy’s arrival. Beginning in 1966, she and her husband, the late Dr. Holbrooke Seltzer, became prominent anti-Vietnam War activists in Dallas and participated in weekly silent protests in Dealey Plaza." The Dallas News said that just two weeks ago "she traveled to Austin to pay her respects to late Governor Ann Richards, whose children had attended the Cooperative Preschool that Millie founded and ran at First Unitarian Church for 11 years." In 2005 she was one of the two people receiving the national Outstanding Local Representative Award from the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. SDEC member Theresa Daniel called her "another great Democrat who has been there for so many years fighting for what was right".
She is survived by six children, eleven grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. A memorial service will be held this Thursday at 11 AM at the First Unitarian Church of Dallas, 4015 Normandy Ave. at Preston (one half-block north of Mockingbird). In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions are suggested to the Barton Center for Diabetes Education (, the Social Action Committee of the First Unitarian Church, or the Dallas Peace Center.
"But I Play One On The Bench...."
One incumbent Republican Judge has been loose with the facts and gotten called on it. The state's psychologists' licensing board has ordered Susan Rankin to stop claiming falsely that she is a "former psychologist". Channel 11 ran a news story on this which you can watch at this site (they'll show an ad first; be patient). You can also read two great articles, with further links to still more in D Magazine and other sources, at Red State Feminist at this page and at this page. Rankin's Democratic opponent for the 301st Family District Court is Lynn Cherry.
Faces of Change Billboards Are Up
Finally all of Dallas knows who the real Faces of Change are. We appreciate everybody's help in raising money and donating your face for this effort. Every face is on all three billboards. The billboard locations are:
Chris Bell Hits A Triple
In the live televised debate among Texas gubernatorial candidates Friday night, Democrat Chris Bell was by far the most informed, prepared, articulate and poised of the four candidates who want to lead the Lone Star State for the next four years. For those who say they didn't know Bell, and for those who do know him and have thought him to be too "dull," the appearance Friday evening should have convinced them that Bell is the most qualified candidate for governor of Texas." --Bob Ray Sanders(Read it all here.) If you missed the debate, the whole hour can be viewed online at this page. The Chris Bell campaign has also helpfully provided us a Fact Check on the other three Republicans he faced at this page.
Molly Ivins has also endorsed the Democrat for Governor in her column: "Ring The Bell For A Texas Democrat", concluding "Let's make it a vote for Annie."
Digging Their Own Hole Deeper....

Last week they also showed how little they cared for our own Constitution, voting in both houses of Congress to toss out even the 800-year old right of habeas corpus. That's the part of the Magna Carta that lets us talk to a lawyer and force the government to convince a judge they have evidence of a crime, instead of just locking anyone up at their whim. Bush's revised version is somewhat looser. Olbermann asks the President accusing us
of treason "Why has the ferocity of your venom against the Democrats, now exceeded the ferocity of your venom against the terrorists?" Watch it all here.
The only way to stop this out-of-control gang is to replace the Republican majorities with Democrats. This year, remember who stands up for our rights. Our candidate for U.S. Senator is Barbara Ann Radnofsky. The two U.S. House districts all inside Dallas County are Dist. 30, where we are represented by incumbent Democratic Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, and Dist. 32, where our candidate is Will Pryor. In the districts only partly in Dallas County, our candidates are, for Dist. 3: Dan Dodd, for Dist. 5: Charlie Thompson, for Dist. 24: Gary R. Page, and for Dist. 26: Tim Barnwell. In other districts touching the county line (or just outside it), our candidates are, for Dist. 4: Glenn Melançon, for Dist. 6: David T. Harris, for Dist. 12: John R. Morris, and our other local incumbent Congressman in Dist. 17: Chet Edwards.
(And thanks for that great picture and slogan to If I Ran the Zoo.)
In Memory: Millie Seltzer
On Friday Millie Seltzer passed away at age 83, following a heart attack last week. She had been Democratic Precinct Chair of 1119 (in northwest Dallas) for decades. According to the Oral History Collection at the Sixth Floor Museum, "On November 22, 1963, Mrs. Seltzer took her six children to Love Field to see President Kennedy’s arrival. Beginning in 1966, she and her husband, the late Dr. Holbrooke Seltzer, became prominent anti-Vietnam War activists in Dallas and participated in weekly silent protests in Dealey Plaza." The Dallas News said that just two weeks ago "she traveled to Austin to pay her respects to late Governor Ann Richards, whose children had attended the Cooperative Preschool that Millie founded and ran at First Unitarian Church for 11 years." In 2005 she was one of the two people receiving the national Outstanding Local Representative Award from the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. SDEC member Theresa Daniel called her "another great Democrat who has been there for so many years fighting for what was right".
She is survived by six children, eleven grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. A memorial service will be held this Thursday at 11 AM at the First Unitarian Church of Dallas, 4015 Normandy Ave. at Preston (one half-block north of Mockingbird). In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions are suggested to the Barton Center for Diabetes Education (, the Social Action Committee of the First Unitarian Church, or the Dallas Peace Center.
"But I Play One On The Bench...."
One incumbent Republican Judge has been loose with the facts and gotten called on it. The state's psychologists' licensing board has ordered Susan Rankin to stop claiming falsely that she is a "former psychologist". Channel 11 ran a news story on this which you can watch at this site (they'll show an ad first; be patient). You can also read two great articles, with further links to still more in D Magazine and other sources, at Red State Feminist at this page and at this page. Rankin's Democratic opponent for the 301st Family District Court is Lynn Cherry.
Faces of Change Billboards Are Up
Finally all of Dallas knows who the real Faces of Change are. We appreciate everybody's help in raising money and donating your face for this effort. Every face is on all three billboards. The billboard locations are:
- 75 Northbound - left side just north of I-30 and Commerce.
- 175 Southbound at Jim Miller.
- I-35 Southbound at Saner - right side just north of the 67 split.
- Bonus - Power For Change Logo only billboard at Oak Lawn and Lemmon.
At 9:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am 64 and I've voted every year. I am a firm believer in voting. I've voted once Republican, many times Democrat, and I have a question. Why in tarnation can the nation elect Democrats but Texas has a much harder time electing Democrats. I know people say it is because of what Tom DeLay did by the redistricting of Texas. Surely in this wide wonderful state, there are people with wisdom, intelligence and money enough to get around this "folly"! Does anyone care? I look at everyone's blog and all I see are National Results. Does any Democrat care that we can't do something to put Democrats on a more level playing field? The Republican Franchise has been ruled constitutional but surely something can be done. Thank you for listening to me sound off on my soap box.
Pat Sellers
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