Dissent from the conventional establishment wisdom continues over the England defection. Matt Glazer quotes a lot of figures welcoming the newly-hatched Democrat at Burnt Orange Report, with plenty of gushing from the Lone Star Project. Declining to wave pom-poms, Harvey Jackson, president of the Grand Prairie Democrats, is unconvinced and downright displeased, because "Kirk facilitated the voter suppression bills". His view, with several added points of agreement from longtime Dallas Precinct Chair Tom Blackwell, are at this post.
The Fort Worth Star-Telegram wrote that Katy Hubener "had planned to announce her intention to run for the seat again on Thursday", the very same day England announced he would run as a Democrat. Could it be someone leaked her intention and that's why he jumped in right then? And, let's see, who would have been more likely to know about that in advance -- a Republican, or a Democrat who wanted their own handpicked candidate in place instead of Katy?
"Into your life it will creep...." Let's hope that isn't justified here. Either of these two would be better than anyone else the Republicans can put up there. Sad to see we've got to deal with this internal manipulation now.
Dissent from the conventional establishment wisdom continues over the England defection. Matt Glazer quotes a lot of figures welcoming the newly-hatched Democrat at Burnt Orange Report, with plenty of gushing from the Lone Star Project. Declining to wave pom-poms, Harvey Jackson, president of the Grand Prairie Democrats, is unconvinced and downright displeased, because "Kirk facilitated the voter suppression bills". His view, with several added points of agreement from longtime Dallas Precinct Chair Tom Blackwell, are at this post.
The Fort Worth Star-Telegram wrote that Katy Hubener "had planned to announce her intention to run for the seat again on Thursday", the very same day England announced he would run as a Democrat. Could it be someone leaked her intention and that's why he jumped in right then? And, let's see, who would have been more likely to know about that in advance -- a Republican, or a Democrat who wanted their own handpicked candidate in place instead of Katy?
"Into your life it will creep...." Let's hope that isn't justified here. Either of these two would be better than anyone else the Republicans can put up there. Sad to see we've got to deal with this internal manipulation now.
At 7:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have gotten to meet with Kirk England since this was written. I've talked with him about the voter suppression bills, and believe that he understands how important this issue is to Democrats. I also understand that he worked to exempt seniors from the effects of these bills, even as he was otherwise towing the Republican line on the rest of it. I think in the future, we can expect better votes from him on this issue. I am happy to have Kirk England in our party, and I think he has an important message to other Democrats about how things work or don't in the other party. -Harvey Jackson
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