Help Take Back The State House

In the special election to fill a vacancy in the State House of Representatives from Tarrant County last week, one Democrat came in way ahead of six Republicans. Now there will be a runoff between Democrat Dan Barrett and a Republican who has already pledged to support Craddick for another term as Speaker. You can help get us closer to restoring sanity to the legislature by volunteering to walk blocks and ask for votes for Dan each Saturday from now through the runoff (probably in early December). Meet at Tarrant County Democratic Party Headquarters, 3004 W. Lancaster, Fort Worth, Texas 76107, at 9 AM this Saturday, November 17, for coffee, donuts, and training. Folks will be out of the door by 9:45 and return at 12:30 for lunch. For more information, contact Karen Lovett at 817-291-5170 or email to campaign AT danbarrett DOT com. You can also contribute on line at this page.
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