"Former Democratic Judge Eric Moyé is running for Judge of the 14th Civil District Court. He was previously Judge of the 101st Civil District Court, appointed by Gov. Ann Richards, and oversaw more than 1000 cases in office. Eric was endorsed by the
Dallas Morning News, who called him “the clear choice in this race” due to his broader practice experience, judicial background, and record of community service, saying 'He's ... spent his legal career representing a wide array of clients, from individuals to large companies and Dallas ISD. ...add to that his long list of supporters from throughout the legal world and across the political spectrum -- Rafael Anchía, Martin Frost and Ron Kirk, just to name a few ... -- and Mr. Moyé clearly is a smart choice in the Democratic primary....'
"Eric has over 25 years of civil trial experience, and is co-founder and partner at Vincent & Moyé, a commercial litigation firm with offices in Dallas and Houston. His degrees are from SMU and Harvard Law School and he's a guest faculty member at both universities. Eric is a longtime supporter of the Democratic Party and progressive Democratic candidates, and was a Delegate to the Democratic National Convention in 1992." For more, visit
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