Labor Day Picnic Next Monday!!

Since there won't be a Roundup next Monday, we'll remind you again now. Once again, the Dallas County Democratic Party and all of its local clubs and organizations will be hosting our free annual Labor Day Picnic. (Except that it's indoors where it's air conditioned, and it's potluck, so bring a dish if you can.) All those groups will be there and a whole slate of candidates, most with signs, stickers, and literature. This is one of our most fun events of the year. It starts at Noon on Monday; check below for details and a link to a map of the location.
Monday, September 1:
- Dallas County Democratic Party LABOR DAY PICNIC In true Democratic spirit, we are providing fried chicken and requesting you to bring your favorite casserole, side dish, salad or dessert. Free admission and parking. Inside & Air Conditioned. Mingle with your elected officials & 2008 candidates. DCDP Paraphernalia for SALE! (Noon to 4 PM, Catholic Czech Club, 4930 Military Parkway, Dallas)
- Rockwall County Democratic Party Labor Day Picnic Bring Your Own Box Lunch. Please come with blankets and chairs. (6 -10 PM, Community Center at Harry Myers Park, 815 E. Washington, Rockwall)
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