Precinct Convention How To
Voting in the primary is not enough! Only part of the Texas delegates to the national convention are chosen based on those results. The rest are decided by attendance at conventions, beginning with the Precinct Conventions. These are held in each local voting location on the evening of Tuesday, March 4, following that day's primary voting. (You can find your precinct's polling place here.) These are scheduled to begin at 7:15 PM. However, if people are still voting, the convention doesn't start until they are finished -- because those people standing in line also have a right to vote first, so that they too can take part in the convention.
If you are one of the record-breaking numbers of new primary voters this year, the Precinct Convention basically works like this: you all sign in by Presidential preference, then figure what percentage of that precinct's delegates go to each candidate, then caucus by candidate and elect your delegates to the district conventions March 29. You can also adopt Resolutions on issues. As for the other fine points of process to be followed, we've got lots of help for you. The Dallas County Democratic Party is holding training sessions:
- Tuesday, February 26, 6:00 PM, Plumbers & Pipefitters Union Hall, 3629 W. Miller Rd., Garland, TX 75041.
- Wednesday, February 27, 6:00 PM, Communications Workers of America Hall, 1408 N. Washington Ave., Dallas, TX.
- Saturday, March 1, 1:00 PM, Central Jury Room - Frank Crowley Courthouse, 133 N. Industrial Blvd., Dallas, TX.
The Texas Democratic Party also has some very useful pdfs you can view on line and print out and take with you:
ABC's of running a Precinct Convention
E-Z Math Precinct Delegate Formula
How to make a Motion/Convention at a glance
How to be a Delegate to the National Convention
At 3:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
THANK YOU for this information!
At 10:33 PM,
Greg Allbright said…
Thanks for the info. I stole some of your text for my precinct letter, but gave you all the credit!
At 2:07 PM,
Unknown said…
hello Bill: Thanks for the information. There are signs posted at the early voting locations that state you only have to go the precinct convention if you want to be a delegate to the National Convention. These signs are published by Dalcoelections but have the DCDP's telephone number on them. I have saw the sign at the Richardson Civic Center and imagine they are posted at all Early voting locations. Someone might need to check this out. Hugh Harris Prencint Chair 1713
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