The Dallas County Young Democrats continue their Texas Democratic Revolution Speaker Series this week, presenting artist Wafaa Bilal. A student activist against Saddam Hussein, he was arrested, then fled and lived in refugee camp in Saudi Arabia before coming to America to continue his art studies. Now a naturalized U.S. citizen, he does photography edging into surrealism dealing with the horrors he escaped. One of his pictures is of a man strugging under the weight of a mosque on his back. An insightful review of his work is here, and some of his photos here and here.
He is also noted for interactive exhibits, such as a Manet's bartendress at the Folies Bergère who preps herself to work while the viewer's own image shows up in the bar mirror behind her. Clips of these and others are linked on his own website here. While denouncing Saddam, he has also been critical of U.S. policies in Iraq, as seen in interviews here and here. He will be one of the featured artists at the grand opening of the new Pawn Gallery in Dallas on December 1. This week's Young Democrats-sponsored Evening With Wafaa Bilal will be free, starting at 7 PM, on Wednesday, November 29, at Space Studio, 2814 Main Street, Dallas. Free parking for this event is at the corner of Elm and Crowdus (at Club Clearview).
This Saturday, December 2, the Young Democrats will hold their Holiday Party at 7 PM at 2814 Canton Street, Dallas. In the spirit of the season, they will be accepting donations for Vogel Alcove, which provide services for homeless children. Top five needs are: diapers, infant formula, clothing, infant and toddler toys.
The Stonewall Democrats of Dallas chose new officers at their most recent meeting. The enthusiasm they displayed in this year's winning campaigns carried over into the election, where there was an unheard of contest for President. The winner is board member Jesse Garcia (shown here at left), who pledged to help make the rapidly-growing group an even more professional organization. The other new officers will be Vice-President Erin Moore, Secretary Kirk McPike, and Treasurer Bill Howell [oui, c'est moi]. Effusively thanked by the membership for their labors (in some cases of many years) were the outgoing officers: President Michael Moon, Vice-President Dana Wilson, Secretary Emily Beer, and Treasurer David Morris.
Stonewall will hold its Eighth Annual Holiday Party, Gift Basket Auction, and Awards Presentation on Tuesday, December 12, starting at 6:30 PM, at Havana's Bar and Grill, 4006 Cedar Springs at Throckmorton, Dallas. Parking is available on the left side of the building and across the street. Last year's event raised $2,500 from the auction, and members are encouraged to bring creative baskets to help raise funds for the Stonewall Democrats. Dallas County Democratic County Chair Darlene Ewing is scheduled to speak. Awards will include the Harryette B. Ehrhardt Destinguished Democrat Award, the Christy Kinsler Board Member of the Year, and the general Member of the Year. There will be music, a Mexican feast, and a cash bar.

He is also noted for interactive exhibits, such as a Manet's bartendress at the Folies Bergère who preps herself to work while the viewer's own image shows up in the bar mirror behind her. Clips of these and others are linked on his own website here. While denouncing Saddam, he has also been critical of U.S. policies in Iraq, as seen in interviews here and here. He will be one of the featured artists at the grand opening of the new Pawn Gallery in Dallas on December 1. This week's Young Democrats-sponsored Evening With Wafaa Bilal will be free, starting at 7 PM, on Wednesday, November 29, at Space Studio, 2814 Main Street, Dallas. Free parking for this event is at the corner of Elm and Crowdus (at Club Clearview).
This Saturday, December 2, the Young Democrats will hold their Holiday Party at 7 PM at 2814 Canton Street, Dallas. In the spirit of the season, they will be accepting donations for Vogel Alcove, which provide services for homeless children. Top five needs are: diapers, infant formula, clothing, infant and toddler toys.

Stonewall will hold its Eighth Annual Holiday Party, Gift Basket Auction, and Awards Presentation on Tuesday, December 12, starting at 6:30 PM, at Havana's Bar and Grill, 4006 Cedar Springs at Throckmorton, Dallas. Parking is available on the left side of the building and across the street. Last year's event raised $2,500 from the auction, and members are encouraged to bring creative baskets to help raise funds for the Stonewall Democrats. Dallas County Democratic County Chair Darlene Ewing is scheduled to speak. Awards will include the Harryette B. Ehrhardt Destinguished Democrat Award, the Christy Kinsler Board Member of the Year, and the general Member of the Year. There will be music, a Mexican feast, and a cash bar.